THERAPEUTIC Yoga with Myra
I love to teach Restorative Yoga, Outdoor Yoga, Gentle Yoga for Older Bodies, Yoga for Cancer and Chronic Illness, Chair Yoga, and fun, flowing, Iyengar-inspired Yoga too!
Teaching background
Myra Paci is an Anusara Yoga-trained teacher who enjoys working with all ages, shapes, and capacities in the people she serves. In her classes she incorporates music, meditation, chanting, pranayama, asana, and light massage to help her students find a sense of joy, peace, groundedness and connection to themselves, others, and the natural world.
Weekly Classes
Myra teaches group classes at Hana Holistic Medical Center in Berkeley and gives one-on-one yoga therapy to women with cancer at Charlotte Maxwell Clinic in Oakland. Myra has taught Restorative and Outdoor classes at YogaKula Studio in Berkeley, CA.
She has taught Chair Yoga to elders at the Thea Bowman Senior Residence and Yoga for Dementia at St. Luke’s Residential Home for Elders in Cork, Ireland, Cobh Community Hospital in Cobh, Ireland, and Haven Bay Care Centre in Kinsale, Ireland.
She also provides one-on-one Yoga Therapy to clients with a range of health conditions.
For 1:1 sessions, whether via Zoom or in-person, please reach out to inquire.
Private Yoga Instruction
Establish a foundational yoga practice with individualized guidance for your body, mind, soul needs. Sessions are tailored to each person and can be purchased as an individual session or a package.

Supported Half Moon or Ardha Chandrasana with chair

Warrior II or Virabhadrasana II

Supported Triangle or Trikonasana with block

Supported Downward Dog with bolsters

Supported Downward Dog with chair (A)

Supported Downward Dog with chair (B)

Pyramid or Parsvottanasana

Wide Leg Forward Bend or Prasarita Padottanasana

Half Seated Spinal Twist or Ardha Matsyendrasana

Supported Cobra or Bhujangasana with chair (A)

Supported Cobra or Bhujangasana with chair (B)

Upward Dog or Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Headstand or Salamba Sirsasana

Handstand or Adho Mukha Vrksasana

Shoulderstand or Salamba Sarvangasana

Supported Child's Pose or Balasana with bolsters

Supported Child's Pose or Balasana with chair

Supported Child's Pose or Balasana with bolster and blanket

Supported Corpse or Savasana with blankets

Supported Corpse or Savasana with chair and blanket

Reclining Hero or Virasana with block

Sleeping Vishnu or Anantasana


Reverse Namaste
